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Page | Excerpt |
Architecture |
Browser Extension In its current form, our software is provided as a Chrome Browser Extension that must be installed on each user’s computer. All processing is performed locally, on the user’s computer. The browser extension provides a user interface and manages integration with compatible web pages. To... |
Calibration and logging |
Gaze Tracking with Passive Calibration Gaze tracking uses a very similar set of interfaces to head tracking. However, gaze tracking is more complex because it requires calibration. You should fully understand the head-tracking example before looking at gaze tracking. The easiest way to include gaze tracking with... |
Table of Javascript Properties |
Table of Javascript properties The following table is a non-exhaustive list of the JSON structure that maintains all state and configuration data for the xLabs system. The entire JSON tree can be viewed in the Options Page of the xLabs Browser Extension, under the Config tab. Since the... |
Syntax and Commands |
JavaScript Syntax and Commands Having outlined how to interact with the xLabs API in earlier sections, this section is an exhaustive reference to the API functions and properties. The xLabs API is provided by the xlabs.js file, which can be found at: XLABS_HOME/api
Quickstart Guide |
QuickStart guide This quickstart guide is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible. Installing the Browser Extension You need to install the xLabs Browser Extension to interact with it! You can get the extension here. Once installed, you can manage this extension in... |
Usage Policy |
Usage Policy Developing under EULA We know that to realize this vision we need to support developers to build software on top of eye/gaze tracking. We also need users to install and play with the system. It has to provide immediate benefits for everyone, which is why... |
Working with Data |
Getting and displaying data The Demo.update() function is called repeatedly every time the xLabs API pushes another state update event. update : function() { var x = xLabs.getConfig( "state.head.x" ); var y = xLabs.getConfig( "state.head.y" ); var targetElement = document.getElementById( "target" ); = (... |
xLabs and xLabsgaze |
xLabs and xLabsgaze Software features The xLabs Eye/Gaze tracking system is able to continuously calculate where you are looking on a computer screen, while allowing natural freedom of movement. It does not require any special hardware – just any ordinary webcam. This gaze data is calculated locally... |
Introduction |
Overview This site provides documentation, training, and other notes for the xLabs Gaze API and Demo. We are currently redeveloping our documentation for our SDK and Chrome extension (the current version can be found here), so please tell us what extra info you would like to see her... |